Trim-A-Slitter Perf Combo

Trim-A-Slitter™ Perf Combo

Slit, Perforate and Rib form 24 gauge steel onsite. Make your own perforated z-bar, Ridge caps and soffits onsite or in the shop.

  • Adjust position of knives and perforators in seconds.
  • Heavy Duty, High Torque motor for perforating high tensile strength steel; 24, 26 and 29 gauge
  • Portable, and easily set up for jobsite use or easily removed from stand for use on a larger production table.
  • Made in the USA

    Features & Benefits

    Hover ⁄ click for product features.

    Adjustable Knives Dual Cuts with Each Pass HD Motor Included 2" Arbor Shaft Heavy Duty perforating die set AdjustAble Feed tray Guides UniStand™ EZ

    1. Adjustable Knives

    Position your knives in seconds with easy access adjustment screws

    2. Dual Cuts with Each Pass

    Slitters come standard with 4 knives that allow 2 cuts on each pass (1 top and 1 bottom knife required for each cut)

    3. HD Motor Included

    Heavy Duty, High torque motor provides years of trouble free service. Uses oil bath, gear reduction transmission to increase torque for perforating, slitting and rib forming. Reversible with motor mounted toggle switch

    4. 2" Arbor Shaft

    Increased strength and duty cycle.

    5. Heavy Duty perforating die set

    Designed for continuous operation on 24 gauge steel or .032" aluminum. Along with the Material Stripper, Machined device (used together with perf die set) helps release painted or plastic coated metals from the perforating dies when exiting the slitter

    6. AdjustAble Feed tray Guides

    Quick adjust feed guides with aluminum rollers ensure that your varying widths of metal are quickly squared up for accurate slitting, rib-forming or perforating.

    7. UniStand™ EZ

    Allows effortless movement and easy storage in an unused corner. Spins on a dime! Breaks down in minutes for easy storage

    Slit Icon


    Each Trim-A-Slitter™ comes standard with 4 knives that allow two cuts with each pass. Additional knives may be added to increase productivity
    Ribform Icon


    Adds rigidity to your metal with a slightly raised rib. Also helps to eliminate ripples and adds a decorative ‘shadow line’ to wider fascia and frieze board.
    Perforate Icon


    Perforator die set (included) allows you to perforate up to .032" aluminum, copper coil, or sheet up to 20 oz.
    The Trim-A-Slitter™ Perf Combo from Van Mark is designed to slit, stiffen or perforate your roofing steel, aluminum, zinc and copper. Perforate 24 gauge painted steel onsite! Reduce your material costs by producing your own perforated z-bar, ventilated soffit or ridge cap. Contact Van Mark today to find out how the Trim-A-Slitter™ 24" perforating combo will increase both your productivity and your profits.

  • Hardened steel, double sided slitting knives for long trouble-free service life.
  • Precision ground & Polished knives provides clean burr-free edges in all types of material.
  • Anodized aluminum construction stands up to the rigors of all job site weather conditions.
  • Easy to set up and use knives for slitting, rib forming, and optional perforators reposition in seconds.
  • Slitter knives are easy to configure and can be disassembled to add an optional perforator die set or additional knives to meet your changing needs.
  • Folding feed table with roller guides quickly adjusts to different widths of material.
  • The Built-In Tape Rule helps maintain slitter knife orientation with material.
  • Heavy Duty, High Torque 110v reversible motor comes complete with motor mounted on/off switch.
  • Brass tipped set screws - Soft brass tips ensure secure position of slitting knives without damage to knives and arbor shaft.
  • The perforating die set perforates steel, aluminum, zinc, and copper by producing a lanced perforation allowing 3.3"² of net free area, per running foot of metal.
  • Optional foot pedal frees up an additional hand for handling of metal in and out of the slitter/perforator.
  • Additional accessories such as extra knives for multiple slites, rib forming, perforators, capacity boosters, and booster blocks are available, sold seperately.
  • Slitter Configuration

    From Factory
    1 Slit
    2 simultaneous slits
    1 single rib form
    From the Factory
    1 slit
    2 simultaneous slits
    1 single rib form
    2 simultaneous ribs
    1 simultaneous slit and rib
    1 double rib up
    1 double rib down
    2 simultaneous single ribs
    1 simultaneous slit & rib
    1 double rib (Facing up)
    1 double rib (Facing down)
    24" (61.0 cm) (of Slitter)
    188 lbs (85.5 kg)

    Maximum Thickness
    Aluminum (3003H14)
    .040" (1.0 mm) slitting, .032" (0.8 mm) and perforating
    Galvanized Steel
    24 ga. (0.6 mm)
    Painted Steel (Grade D)
    24 ga. (0.6 mm)
    Roofing Copper
    24 oz.
    .040" (1.0 mm)
    Stainless Steel (304L)
    Please call for capacities
    * Capacities are based on standard metal properties for coil & sheet. Please contact our factory for capacities on your specific material. 1-800-826-6275

    View our Slitter Accessories page for specs on our optional equipment.


    1 Year Manufacturer's Limited Warranty

    Van Mark Products Corporation warrants this product against defects in material or workmanship for or a period of 1-year from the date of original purchase. For details, click here.




    PDFTrim-A-Slitter Perf Combo Parts List
    WeblinkSlitter Accessories
    WeblinkUniStand™ EZ Go product page

    Most fasteners used in Van Mark tools are standard off-the-shelf nuts & bolts. This was intentional. We use standard fasteners to allow you to get back to work more quickly if something goes missing. Using standard replacement hardware like nuts, bolts & pull-pins will not affect your warranty. For more information, please contact Van Mark directly.

    For Sales Literature on our Brakes and Accessories, see our Media Package page